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So Then, Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent?

Have very smooth skin and no hair is something many people want and are willing to pay good money for it. Thank you, advanced technology, the removal of unwanted hair, without the trouble (and pain) that will come with shaving, waxing and hair removal done. This practical solution is none other than laser hair removal (LHR), which has for many years throughout the country and practiced for a few hundred thousand dollars, a patient may finally skin the hair ultra-smooth, without that he or she wanted. 

To put things in perspective, it is worth considering how best to LHR works and what their process. First, the laser is a safe place, that the hair must be directed away. Hair that is made with the laser-heating and heat moves through the hair comes out clearly at the root and possibly destroy it completely. Grow with the permanent destruction by laser, new hair.

Back to the topic at hand - the critical response is - with a laser to remove hair actually 98% to 99% is permanent, not 100% permanent. This is because the laser itself is only the hairs in the growth phase found dressed and there are four stages of hair growth to consider. The laser can not destroy the hair does not grow longer, and can not get rid of hair follicles in the news. These data demonstrate the weaknesses and limitations of laser hair removal and even to explain exactly why these patients back at LHR months after clinical treatment. 

In theory, the only way to 100% removal permanent laser hair removal to achieve all of the hair to grow together, even if not scientifically possible at all. Grow at any time, at random, many threads, hairs in different stages, each different growth cycles and reached different levels of growth currently has a procedure CDG. 

At the same time, there is always a team of laser hair removal is the complete and permanent hair removal previously thought. It is also important to note that the development and change of hormones in the human body to create all the new hair, and also the points that were treated with laser hair removal process over time, can the hair to grow for some time . take How will you are unavoidable in addition to the clinic for the treatment LHR Retouching and scientific analysis, and unfortunately for patients, the smooth skin of hairless visits means more expense. Visits may also from person to person and needs to be varied by the hand. 

This is laser hair removal permanent? Only up to 99% permanently, nothing more. 

Of course it does not always need to go all the way with hair removal. Although women have different opinions on the chest thick, almost everyone agrees that a hairy back is a bit much. 

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